Ekyflex Reapir Osteo

Ekyflex Reapir Osteo

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Complementary food to maintain the bone functioning of the horse.


Complementary food to maintain the bone functioning of the horse.

Bone conditions, excessive training, confinement, or even trauma, can unbalance the bone functioning of horses and can cause poor results.

Thanks to its double structural and functional action, Repair Osteo Complex (R.O.C.) allows to support bone function:

Contribution of structural elements of bone tissue: bioavailable calcium, vitamin D3, copper, zinc, magnesium.
Stimulation of bone metabolism thanks to 2 new ingredients: MBP (Milk Basic Proteins) and silicon.

It also has an unprecedented nutrigenomic action: silicon (in bioavailable form of sodium zeolite) that will stimulate the expression of genes involved in bone formation.

Indicated in:

Foals or adults affected by bone or traumatic conditions.
Complement of injectable or postoperative treatments.
Maintenance of yearlings and adults in training phase.

Format: 3 kg can.


3 kg
Calcium, copper (chelated), zinc (chelated), magnesium, MBP, silicon, vitamin D3
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