Endocrine system

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€20.61 €22.90
Krill oil, a small crustacean from the Antarctic, is high in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. The main advantage is that fatty acids are found in the form of phospholipids instead of triglycerides, as in fish oil, therefore being much more bioavailable. 100% natural oil, without enriching, with a faster and more effective action capacity.
Zoo-30 vitamin
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Zoo-30 vitamin

Vitamin mineral complex with trace elements and amino acids, provides healthy growth, influences the metabolism of proteins and fats, provides a healthy nervous system, ideal in pregnant or lactating bitches.
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Endocrine system


Profilaxcel is a complementary food based on punicic acid (Omega 5) and phytosterols from pomegranate seed oil, EPA and DHA fatty acids from algae oil and Omega-linolenic and oleic fatty acids (Omega 9) from flax oil of action. preventive against hormone-dependent cellular disorders of the breast and prostate of dogs and cats.
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